Alexandria Learning
Humanity is a library that speaks.
Labyrinthine stacks of memory,
a complicated codex of knowing,
entire floors to wander and explore.
We encounter one another and leaf
through endless volumes of personality,
reading each other’s life stories,
jotting down notes to consider.
What we hope to learn is how to live
with the secret knowledge of strangers,
with the worldly wisdom of Others.
Our research reveals who we are
as written in the books of our being.
There is far too much to know it all.
We can only browse and guess,
leaning on hopeful hypotheses.
From between the lines, in sentences,
and chapters, we slowly uncover
fragments and fictions together
that we form into an approximation
of what it might mean to be Human;
To help us become a common epic,
and to save the library from
flames of ignorance and mistrust
that have always threatened to turn
all of us, and all of it, into mute,
forgotten, charcoal shards, mere
remnants of what might have been.