Let us try this again — Call for submissions
I have been on Medium for five years. Along with my own work, I started two publications: Other Voices and Changes: On Aging. Both have languished over the past year as other obligations took me away. I would like to revitalize them now. If you would like to join in, just read the following.
Other Voices
This is a publication meant for any kind of writing, from poetry to Listicles. I edit nothing. Even your grammar and punctuation errors belong to you. I censor nothing. I only turn down hurtful and vicious pieces. Submit whatever you write.
Changes: On Aging
This is the publication I hope most to get up and running again. Aging and death are, after love, the most universal concerns. Write in any form about getting older in America. It is not limited to pieces by older folks. Young people see their parents and grand parents age and die. Middle aged folks must deal with older parents and all of their problems, especially financial. The old are living the experience and know what looms ahead. I am interested in anything related aging, so send what you like in whatever form you wish.
How to submit
If you wish to submit to either of these, send me an email with “Add Me As A Writer” to bookgardener@gmail.com. In the body, you must include your Medium handle. Mine, for example, is @bookgardener. Can’t add you without that. I will add you promptly and email you to say I have done so.
How not to submit
Please, DO NOT USE PENNAME! I have nothing against it, but find it too complicated and time consuming. You must apply to me directly as described above.
Thanks for reading and please start submitting as soon as possible. According to Medium’s dubious stats, I have 12,800 followers, so there is definitely a chance to get more esposure for your writing.
Mike Essig