My point to Dave Pell is simple: it is cowardly to exhort people to violence you won’t participate it. I think a lot of that is going on right now.
But, sadly, I agree with you that we are approaching some critical mass. If violence in the streets escalates, on either or both sides, too far, there is a greater danger than just bloodhed.
The government will seize the opportunity to intervene, either by declaring martial law (unlikely) or by suspending habeas corpus and unleashing the alphabet agencies and their private armies to kill or detain anyone, right or left, whom it sees as potential enemies. Those empty FEMA camps, supposedly prepared for victims of natural disasters, will quickly fill up.
For now, this isn’t my fight. I won’t commit violence for people and causes I think are crazy. If the government takes action, I will change my mind. Then people will find out that resistance doesn’t mean writing inflammatory articles on Medium. It means fighting, bleeding and dying. They won’t enjoy that reality at all.