The Raw Material Of Nightmares
There are a million alternative explanations. — RAW
History is bunk. — Henry Ford
History, far too much for the human mind.
Hundreds of decades of jumbled “facts,”
waiting to be twisted and exploited by
clever humans to further their own ends.
One Great Question for all to answer:
What the hell is really going on?
History contains no inner ordering principle.
A body of maybes devoid of a skeleton.
Flesh to plaster onto bones we create.
Mountains of clay for us to shape
any way that furthers our ambitions.
The Pope murdered JFK to protect
his historical partner, the Mafia.
Pocahontas fucked John Smith for love.
The Nazis were secret Satanists bent on
finding the key to unleash the Antichrist.
Whites created AIDS to kill black people.
World War Two was a pure and noble crusade.
Elvis and Bigfoot spend Monday nights
watching football with Nessie in Scotland.
The Bilderbergers own everything.
We take the “evidence” and spin stories
to create a world we can believe in
and inflict our truth on others who don’t.
Research, scholarship, archeology:
only bullets for the rifles of power
to aim at the hearts of unbelievers.
History is not a dream to awaken from;
It is the raw material of nightmares,
the source that convinces our eager minds
that we hold the Keys To The Kingdom
and then use them to lock out those we fear.